Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Legend of Bloody Mary

Genre: Horror
Release Status: DVD

This movie features the legend of Bloody Mary (obviously) and some of the history around this urban legend. However, this movie is so badly written that only so badly written and filmed that it can hardly be considered a horror film. Actually, the best part about the movie is the cover which makes the movie actually look half decent. The legend itself is not a bad topic at all, actually if it were done correctly than it would have actually been an amazing movie. This movie, however, was not done correctly in any sense of the word. I don't know if the random sound effects were supposed to be scary or something, but they weren't. The sounds were off key, weren't scary at all and didn't make the environment anything but terrible. The ambient noises were not cut out when they should have been. Random rough cuts made scenes akward and really showed how bad the movie was. The acting at times was decent, but the script was lame and didn't really make any attempt at being remotely entertaining or suspenseful. By far, the two biggest issues with the movie was the fact that all sunlight was scene as blue on screen, and there were many moments where there was no music, but rather just dead air for no reason at all. In all scenes that featured sunlight, everything it hit appeared blue. It may have been intentional, or done by mistake, but one this is for certain it looked terrible and made all scenes with sunlight in them look lame and cheap. In regards to the dead air, many of the conversations would come to a point where the camera would just feature each character while they stared at each other for up to 30 seconds, which was boring and unnecessary. The storytelling elements were also terrible. Not in regards to the myth itself, but rather to the characters and how they were effected by it. In one instance a man is haunted by nightmares and his girlfriend tries to get him help, he gets in a fight with her, she stays over that night then leaves in the morning. In a real situation, she would have just left. Also, the last part of the movie where the most paranormal stuff happens, the man and woman make up randomly and keep making out in the presence of all of Mary's stuff. Then all this paranormal activity happens, making the scene corny, and the characters don't even react appropriately. They just treat it like nothing is out of the ordinary and just fight Mary and are not even afraid of what is happening. Then at the end of the scene, the camera slowly goes up on one of the non-main characters and she does a random hair flip for no reason. The ending, as stated, was rushed and terrible. Honestly, one part with a sex scene was probably only done to show some sex in the movie to try to get the audience to pay attention. Finally, the last scene makes absolutely no sense which you will notice if you actually watch this movie.

Honestly, the only good part about the movie was the flashback scenes because they were remotely entertaining. However, they were also highly flawed and showed a bunch of little corny items that really took away from the creepiness of them.

Rating: 0/10

Monday, August 30, 2010


Genre: Horror, Action, Thriller
Release Status: DVD, Blu-Ray

Daybreakers features an action packed story in which the world has been "infected" by an "illness" that turned people into vampired. As the number of humans shrink to almost nothing and vampires start to take over, humans are literally bled dry in order to feed blood-demand of the vampire infested world. Many companies and businesses are entirely in the blood harvesting and life is good for a while until the blood starts running out. As more and more humans are hunted and killed for their blood and no substitute to be found, the vampire world is turned upside down, changing the entire world forever...again.

Overall, the movie had a great environment and really showed the changes that this "disease" has had on the world. It has some great action scenes between the surviving humans and the "Vampire SWAT" as well as some great storytelling all along with various twists and turns. My only complaint is that the movie should have been a little longer, right after the intro scenes it just seemed to rush through to the end. Also, some of the gore was a little bit over the top and really wasn't needed at times, but it wasn't throughout the entire movie.

Rating: 8.0/10