Friday, May 6, 2011

Thor is out now

Thor is now out so go see it. I well hopefully be going to see it tonight.Thor looks like it could be a good movie . so if you are unsure then go watch the trailer one more time. And after watching the trailer  go see it if you mind said  wow that looks good or wait for the reviews to come out if you are still unsure about weather or not to go see it.

Hangover 2: What Do you think.

Hangover 2 is coming out this mouth and at first I was really unsure of what to think of it. Just because I could not see how they could make a hangover 2. The first thing I though of  was that they where just milking   the movie. Which in a way they are because I highly doubt that  they planed on a second movie and till  the first one made them so much money.

Anyway my opine has changed since seeing the trailer. Now I think this movie is going to give the first movie a run for it money.I just can not wait  to see it. If you have not seen the trailer  check it out is  great and the movie looks to be packed full of funny shit. But it seem like it is showing to much. After think about it for a bit,there is still alot to see.  So check the trailer if you have not. Well thats it for now.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Thor 05/06/11

Thor the movie will be out this weekend at last. I say that like it was pushed back or something, but it was not there just been so much hype for the movie over the last mouth that it feels like it has. I really want to see this movie.The only thing that has  me worried about the movie is the fact that I feel like I have seen the movie through  the trailers already. Is it just me or did Thor trailer show to much. With out seeing the movie I can not really say if they did or did not. But I get that feeling that they did. Which is not good thing. I'm still going to see the movie because it looks so good. I still can not shake the feeling.And yes it dose not hurt  that Natalie Portman in the movie. Is just mean or has she been in alot of different movie over the last year. Anyway I will lave that for another post.On top of  all that Kenneth Branagh the director of the 1996 Hamlet is director Thor. I can not wait to see who he did with it. This movie is a must see in my books.

May movies

Well Every save up your money. You will need for all the trips to the movie  theaters. The mouth of may is going to pack with lots of epic movie to go and see. There will be most likely a movie for everyone this mouth.I'am not going to go every movie for this mouth but I will try to hit most of the big ones.So lets get started. 

Which is coming out on 05/06/011. 
Which is coming out on 05/13/11.

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
Which is coming out on 05/20/11

Kung Fu Panda The Kaboom of Doom 
Which is coming out on 05/26/11

The Hangover 2
which is coming out 05/26/11

As you can see this mouth is pack to the top, with great movies.I will be going over most of these movies at later date so keep checking back from time to time.

50th post

This is just a quick post, I have  hit small goal and it  was to post 50 posts. Yes I know the last post was the 50 post. Any this was one of my goals. If you did not know I run 1 other blog and it is IDK games check it out if you are into games. Also I'm trying to start a IDK TV So check it out two if you want. Keep checking back for more movie up dates and remember to let every know about IDK movie. It also help to add  IDK Movie to your favorites. Well that's it for now. Have every good day :).

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I just finished playing a little bitted of the new Black Ops maps. And this is what I think of them. First off there are 4 new online maps Zoo, Hotel,Convoy and Stockpile.On top of that there is a brand new Zombie map too. It is call , Call of The Dead and it is fucked up.

Let go over each new map quickly. We will start with Zoo. Zoo is not a bad map it is every close combat oriented map. With a lot of chock points and flanking routs to use at you will. If you did not get this from the name of the map. It take place in a zoo. I found that the map was built out from  on center point that is small court yard. Where you will find B if playing domination.This map is highly crazy and haft the time you will not none where you are. But I would say that will work it self out in time. When we all start to play the map more.All around Zoo is not a bad map but it just seem like this was built for run and gunning, which is a good thing if gamers would not camp all the time.

The next map is Hotel. Hotel is a lot like high rise from the last CoD game.It is splits it self into three different running path that you can take to get from one side of the building to the other.This map has way to much going on with it. There is just way to many building and shit  on the map. If they just toned down  the map just a little bit this map would be really good.There are elevators in this map which I really like to use. They go from the bottomto the top floor of each of the two building on either side of the map.They are fun to use  as a decoys. You can just call them down if they are at the top floor then  quickly run up the stairs as you enemy is running to camp the elevators doors. There are two of them in each building.Thats all I have to say about Hotel at this time.

Convoy the third map out of the new maps is be far the best I would say. It is the cleanest map out of all them. The map is well layout. It has alot of ways to run. But also has alot of good place  hold off the other time and regain your self after you have killed the enemy player.Convoy  map is split in to two side by small part of a highway.This map is built for the type off CoD that we are all like to play. That all I have to say about this map.

The final online map is Stockpile.This map is not best. I do not like. It main focus is the one center building which is not bad. but it is too hard to hold the building. There are just way to many ways to get into the building. This map is just a little bit to small. They packed way to much in the map for  the size of the map. If they removed some of  the shit from the map or even just mad it bigger this map would be sick.That all I have to stay about it.

Call of the dead the new zombie map. This map is be far the hardest one I have every played, It is also by far the best one I have played too. Which makes it a sick map.In call of the dead you well play as Robert Englund, Sarah Michelle Gellar,Michael Rooker and Danny Trejo. Yes those all are actors from past zombie movies. Here is the aspect of the map that will change your whole game play and it is George A.Romero, who will spawns right off the start with you and will fellow you around for the full game or till you kill but I'm not sure if you even can. He dose not move that fast, but if you shoot him speeds up and  chase you.If that happens  pull him in too the freezing cold water . Where he will claim down and will not be raging anymore. There also two new power weapons to play with. There a zip rope and  lunch pad to use too. The map is also  on a boat that has crashed next to a light house. That is all I'm going to say about it for now but check back later this week because as soon I figurer out the new zombie maps I will be posting on who to go a far as you can on it.

The Escalation map pack has ups and  down but it is every easy to see where all there hard work went and that was to the Call of the Dead map.They put more work into the  new zombie maps , but that dose not mean that the online maps sucks. They are good too, There was just more room for improvement on them. This map pack is a must buy for the Black ops players.

For more post like this Check IDK Games:

Scream 4

Genre: horror,Crime,Mystery, Thriller 
Release Status:Theaters 

Scream is the froth and maybe the  last movie of the scream movie. And Scream froth did not disappointed. This movie was almost as good as the first one was. But no scream will every be better  then the first scream was.Scream put alot  on the table. All the characters  that live through the lasted ones are still in this movie. But the thing that I did not like is that Dewey did not have the limp that he had in the second and third movie.Which kinda was careless. If they did not want him to limp then they could  have had him go through some treatment or something at last explain why he is not limping any more.

The storyline of the movie is really good it is packed with action and thrilling moments through out the whole movie.Just like the rest of the scream ghost-face is back again and is killing. The movie take place  in the small town where  it all started. Sidney has wrote a book about her life and this attention has brought ghost-face back. Alot of the kill resumable the originally killings. The last thing I want to stay about the story is your never going to guess who the kill is. I mean never.

That is due to the great acting from every aspect of the movie. The acting in this movie did have it down but they where quickly out weighed by the ups. At the start of the movie you meet be getting pissed off because it take for every for the actually movie to start, but after it get going it just dose stop till the end.There is some parts of the movie that where over looked. But the parts that where over looked where the smaller things. They do hurt the movie, but it nothing to cry over.

Overall the movie was well done is very close to the first one which was the best one by far. If they did not over look some of the smaller aspect of the movie. I think that this movie would have been even closer to the first one or just as good. Scream 4 will not disappointed any Scream fans out there. But if you looking for a movie to scared the shit out of you will not find it here, which is what I aspect-ed the scream have never been that scary there more of  the movie that will make you jump or think and keep you guess through out the whole movie.


Monday, May 2, 2011

Are any movie these day really a new ideas

Will you see the answer to that is no they are not new ideas, rather old ideas, brought into new light the same can be said about anything these days. Do not get me wrong it is not imposable for someone to came up with a new idea, but it is highly unlikely.  It just so unlikely. You hafted to think of it this way, movies and there story have been around for so long that the chance of it being not  done before is highly unlikely. That is just the facts.

Now that we got that out of the way. I can talk about what I think about it. It piss me off when people say that a  idea is not new. Before I go on there is  a big different between over used and new and it is that overused is when it is used to much. Where new is  will new meaning never been done before. So when someone says  that  a movie suck because the idea was not new, then they must not like any movie at all. Because a lot of movie are not new, but base  even the littlest bit off of a older movie ideas. So you see when some one said the movie was not new, no shit. you mean the movie idea is overused. If you get the feeling like you have seen the movie then most likely the idea behind the movie has been used so much and the past yrs that they all seem the same.

Well that is all I got to say. That is just my quick rage quit for the yes I do mean rage quit.It just makes me kinda when people say movie sucks or was shit because it was based of idea that is not new. To that i say find  me one movie and the last year that  has a brand new idea behind you can't .

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Fast Five Should I see it ,

Fast Five is short for Fast and furious Five. So yes as you guess it is the fifth Fast and Furious. First off I have not seen this movie yet, but I really do want to see the movie alot. The trailer makes it look really good and really well  done but most trailers do that or they would not be good trailers at all. So why I am I posting this if I have not seen well to help us all deiced if you should see it.

First off if you like the other Fast and Furious movie then  I would say that there is great chance  that you like  fast five. The same main cast are  in this one as they where in the other movies.Which is a up too. From the trailer it looks to be pack with action  with some comedy relief through  out the movie.
Which  made the last Fast and Furious movie really good. These movie just seem to be able to make everything pull together well. Plus on top of everything it well be filled with car chase out the ass.

So if  you like what your read then go see the movie. If  your still  unsure then watch the trailer one more time then you will know. Anyway I will be going to see this movie as soon as I possibly can.