Friday, May 6, 2011

Thor is out now

Thor is now out so go see it. I well hopefully be going to see it tonight.Thor looks like it could be a good movie . so if you are unsure then go watch the trailer one more time. And after watching the trailer  go see it if you mind said  wow that looks good or wait for the reviews to come out if you are still unsure about weather or not to go see it.

Hangover 2: What Do you think.

Hangover 2 is coming out this mouth and at first I was really unsure of what to think of it. Just because I could not see how they could make a hangover 2. The first thing I though of  was that they where just milking   the movie. Which in a way they are because I highly doubt that  they planed on a second movie and till  the first one made them so much money.

Anyway my opine has changed since seeing the trailer. Now I think this movie is going to give the first movie a run for it money.I just can not wait  to see it. If you have not seen the trailer  check it out is  great and the movie looks to be packed full of funny shit. But it seem like it is showing to much. After think about it for a bit,there is still alot to see.  So check the trailer if you have not. Well thats it for now.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Thor 05/06/11

Thor the movie will be out this weekend at last. I say that like it was pushed back or something, but it was not there just been so much hype for the movie over the last mouth that it feels like it has. I really want to see this movie.The only thing that has  me worried about the movie is the fact that I feel like I have seen the movie through  the trailers already. Is it just me or did Thor trailer show to much. With out seeing the movie I can not really say if they did or did not. But I get that feeling that they did. Which is not good thing. I'm still going to see the movie because it looks so good. I still can not shake the feeling.And yes it dose not hurt  that Natalie Portman in the movie. Is just mean or has she been in alot of different movie over the last year. Anyway I will lave that for another post.On top of  all that Kenneth Branagh the director of the 1996 Hamlet is director Thor. I can not wait to see who he did with it. This movie is a must see in my books.

May movies

Well Every save up your money. You will need for all the trips to the movie  theaters. The mouth of may is going to pack with lots of epic movie to go and see. There will be most likely a movie for everyone this mouth.I'am not going to go every movie for this mouth but I will try to hit most of the big ones.So lets get started. 

Which is coming out on 05/06/011. 
Which is coming out on 05/13/11.

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
Which is coming out on 05/20/11

Kung Fu Panda The Kaboom of Doom 
Which is coming out on 05/26/11

The Hangover 2
which is coming out 05/26/11

As you can see this mouth is pack to the top, with great movies.I will be going over most of these movies at later date so keep checking back from time to time.

50th post

This is just a quick post, I have  hit small goal and it  was to post 50 posts. Yes I know the last post was the 50 post. Any this was one of my goals. If you did not know I run 1 other blog and it is IDK games check it out if you are into games. Also I'm trying to start a IDK TV So check it out two if you want. Keep checking back for more movie up dates and remember to let every know about IDK movie. It also help to add  IDK Movie to your favorites. Well that's it for now. Have every good day :).

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I just finished playing a little bitted of the new Black Ops maps. And this is what I think of them. First off there are 4 new online maps Zoo, Hotel,Convoy and Stockpile.On top of that there is a brand new Zombie map too. It is call , Call of The Dead and it is fucked up.

Let go over each new map quickly. We will start with Zoo. Zoo is not a bad map it is every close combat oriented map. With a lot of chock points and flanking routs to use at you will. If you did not get this from the name of the map. It take place in a zoo. I found that the map was built out from  on center point that is small court yard. Where you will find B if playing domination.This map is highly crazy and haft the time you will not none where you are. But I would say that will work it self out in time. When we all start to play the map more.All around Zoo is not a bad map but it just seem like this was built for run and gunning, which is a good thing if gamers would not camp all the time.

The next map is Hotel. Hotel is a lot like high rise from the last CoD game.It is splits it self into three different running path that you can take to get from one side of the building to the other.This map has way to much going on with it. There is just way to many building and shit  on the map. If they just toned down  the map just a little bit this map would be really good.There are elevators in this map which I really like to use. They go from the bottomto the top floor of each of the two building on either side of the map.They are fun to use  as a decoys. You can just call them down if they are at the top floor then  quickly run up the stairs as you enemy is running to camp the elevators doors. There are two of them in each building.Thats all I have to say about Hotel at this time.

Convoy the third map out of the new maps is be far the best I would say. It is the cleanest map out of all them. The map is well layout. It has alot of ways to run. But also has alot of good place  hold off the other time and regain your self after you have killed the enemy player.Convoy  map is split in to two side by small part of a highway.This map is built for the type off CoD that we are all like to play. That all I have to say about this map.

The final online map is Stockpile.This map is not best. I do not like. It main focus is the one center building which is not bad. but it is too hard to hold the building. There are just way to many ways to get into the building. This map is just a little bit to small. They packed way to much in the map for  the size of the map. If they removed some of  the shit from the map or even just mad it bigger this map would be sick.That all I have to stay about it.

Call of the dead the new zombie map. This map is be far the hardest one I have every played, It is also by far the best one I have played too. Which makes it a sick map.In call of the dead you well play as Robert Englund, Sarah Michelle Gellar,Michael Rooker and Danny Trejo. Yes those all are actors from past zombie movies. Here is the aspect of the map that will change your whole game play and it is George A.Romero, who will spawns right off the start with you and will fellow you around for the full game or till you kill but I'm not sure if you even can. He dose not move that fast, but if you shoot him speeds up and  chase you.If that happens  pull him in too the freezing cold water . Where he will claim down and will not be raging anymore. There also two new power weapons to play with. There a zip rope and  lunch pad to use too. The map is also  on a boat that has crashed next to a light house. That is all I'm going to say about it for now but check back later this week because as soon I figurer out the new zombie maps I will be posting on who to go a far as you can on it.

The Escalation map pack has ups and  down but it is every easy to see where all there hard work went and that was to the Call of the Dead map.They put more work into the  new zombie maps , but that dose not mean that the online maps sucks. They are good too, There was just more room for improvement on them. This map pack is a must buy for the Black ops players.

For more post like this Check IDK Games:

Scream 4

Genre: horror,Crime,Mystery, Thriller 
Release Status:Theaters 

Scream is the froth and maybe the  last movie of the scream movie. And Scream froth did not disappointed. This movie was almost as good as the first one was. But no scream will every be better  then the first scream was.Scream put alot  on the table. All the characters  that live through the lasted ones are still in this movie. But the thing that I did not like is that Dewey did not have the limp that he had in the second and third movie.Which kinda was careless. If they did not want him to limp then they could  have had him go through some treatment or something at last explain why he is not limping any more.

The storyline of the movie is really good it is packed with action and thrilling moments through out the whole movie.Just like the rest of the scream ghost-face is back again and is killing. The movie take place  in the small town where  it all started. Sidney has wrote a book about her life and this attention has brought ghost-face back. Alot of the kill resumable the originally killings. The last thing I want to stay about the story is your never going to guess who the kill is. I mean never.

That is due to the great acting from every aspect of the movie. The acting in this movie did have it down but they where quickly out weighed by the ups. At the start of the movie you meet be getting pissed off because it take for every for the actually movie to start, but after it get going it just dose stop till the end.There is some parts of the movie that where over looked. But the parts that where over looked where the smaller things. They do hurt the movie, but it nothing to cry over.

Overall the movie was well done is very close to the first one which was the best one by far. If they did not over look some of the smaller aspect of the movie. I think that this movie would have been even closer to the first one or just as good. Scream 4 will not disappointed any Scream fans out there. But if you looking for a movie to scared the shit out of you will not find it here, which is what I aspect-ed the scream have never been that scary there more of  the movie that will make you jump or think and keep you guess through out the whole movie.


Monday, May 2, 2011

Are any movie these day really a new ideas

Will you see the answer to that is no they are not new ideas, rather old ideas, brought into new light the same can be said about anything these days. Do not get me wrong it is not imposable for someone to came up with a new idea, but it is highly unlikely.  It just so unlikely. You hafted to think of it this way, movies and there story have been around for so long that the chance of it being not  done before is highly unlikely. That is just the facts.

Now that we got that out of the way. I can talk about what I think about it. It piss me off when people say that a  idea is not new. Before I go on there is  a big different between over used and new and it is that overused is when it is used to much. Where new is  will new meaning never been done before. So when someone says  that  a movie suck because the idea was not new, then they must not like any movie at all. Because a lot of movie are not new, but base  even the littlest bit off of a older movie ideas. So you see when some one said the movie was not new, no shit. you mean the movie idea is overused. If you get the feeling like you have seen the movie then most likely the idea behind the movie has been used so much and the past yrs that they all seem the same.

Well that is all I got to say. That is just my quick rage quit for the yes I do mean rage quit.It just makes me kinda when people say movie sucks or was shit because it was based of idea that is not new. To that i say find  me one movie and the last year that  has a brand new idea behind you can't .

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Fast Five Should I see it ,

Fast Five is short for Fast and furious Five. So yes as you guess it is the fifth Fast and Furious. First off I have not seen this movie yet, but I really do want to see the movie alot. The trailer makes it look really good and really well  done but most trailers do that or they would not be good trailers at all. So why I am I posting this if I have not seen well to help us all deiced if you should see it.

First off if you like the other Fast and Furious movie then  I would say that there is great chance  that you like  fast five. The same main cast are  in this one as they where in the other movies.Which is a up too. From the trailer it looks to be pack with action  with some comedy relief through  out the movie.
Which  made the last Fast and Furious movie really good. These movie just seem to be able to make everything pull together well. Plus on top of everything it well be filled with car chase out the ass.

So if  you like what your read then go see the movie. If  your still  unsure then watch the trailer one more time then you will know. Anyway I will be going to see this movie as soon as I possibly can.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Insidious is a new horror film from the creators of the highly successful Paranormal Activity films and is no exception to the maker's ability to scare the hell out of audiences worldwide. First of all, Insidious is not another Paranormal Activity. There are no fixed camera angles, or scenes from a first person 'handycam view.' It takes on more of a traditional movie style, while still keeping the elements from Paranormal Activity that audiences loved. First of all, the setting is fantastic. Many of the scenes are shot from a simple home environment, however, when a horror scene is in progress music and visual elements used within the movie instantly change the friendly household into the hell that the makers intended. Which leads us to another great part of the movie, sound. As seen in Paranormal Activity 2, the sudden and extremely loud noises ignite fear in audiences when sounds come out of nowhere, especially during scenes where no horror elements are expected. However, Insidious isn't just all the flare of visual and audio effects. It contains all that a good movie should. There is an interesting and unique story with good acting and scripting. There is even some comic relief to keep the audience engaged in a variety of emotions throughout the film, adding to the wow factor of the film as a whole. My only complaint is that the movie seemed to be a little too short, and certain obstacles presented (details would mean spoilers) seem to be overcome rather easily, almost like a "run like hell and everything will be okay." However, these complaints are very minor and do not effect this film's quality at all.

Rating: 9.5/10

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

NetFlix Should you get it ?

NetFlix is a website where you can watch movie and TV shows for a monthly fee of $8. $8 a month adds up too  $96 a year. Which in the long run is not that much money. Their is a pretty big selection of movie on the site. Some times you will be disappointed because you  could not find the movie you where looking for, which is ok since they are always updating the site with new shows and movie.The  content on NetFlix is really good. It looks just has good has TV and/or DVD do it is not HD. But it is good for website. They also do not take alot out of your internet at all.The movie will not buffer every five min. once the movie has started the movie will continue till the end. Unless your internet slows down then it well reload so that it can run the best for you.

On top of all that you can watch a movie on your computer while  some else in your house is watching  a TV show on their Xbox 360 or whatever at the same-time. Which is really nice that you do not hafted to pay for more then one account for your household. Also if you did not know you can play the videos on your Wii,Ps3 or Xbox 360 along with your computer. There are down side to NetFlix sometime it take a long time for them to get new content.

If you have checked it out yet click the following link and sign up for a free month.

NETFLIX if not paying for me to this either. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Thor the movie

The story of  Thor is now being brought to life in the form of a movie. Chris Hemsworth will be playing Thor in the upcoming movie.In this movie  Thro is cast out of the realm of Asgard  down to Earth to live with us. We soon find him to be on of our bested defenders. If you have not seen the trailer for this movie you should check it  out. Thor looks to be a good movie but with all movie like it theirs all of room for it to fail. It all depends how much research they put into the background of Thor. If they did not do much then  the people that know about Thor well not like the movie at all. Where if they did take their time to look into the legend's  and story it well be a way better movie.Then on top of this the movie based off the comics of Thor. Just adds to the level it well hafted to live up too.

Resident Evil (2000)

Genre:Drama Horror Thriller,Action
Release Status:DVD

When one of umbrella top secret labs release a virus  that could destroy life has we know it. a special military unit is sent into to take down the Red Queen . The Red Queen is a automated computer system that controls the whole lab.

Resident evil is packed to the rim with action,zombies,blood and guts.The story line is really well though out. With a open ending leaving lots of room for a another Resident Evil.The plot  has alot of up and downs. The action in the movie seemed to be packed  into  quick seen where a lot of killing happens .Which leads to some boring  times in the movie with little to nothing going on. There is alot of unexpected  turns in this movie. The starting of this movie is really slow, but once it get's  going the movie start to get's really good.

Overall the movie is ok. It leaves alot of room for improvement which is a good thing when it is going to be Resident Evil movie.Their was some pretty bad acting in this movie from some the main casted. Like James Purefoy acting was  not that good.  It seemed like he did not care about the movie at all.

Rating 6.5/10

Idk New Site is almost up

Hey readers are new website will be up on the 1 may. But there is nothing stoping you from going to check it out right now. I would love to here what you think we should add or what you like about it. Here the website And here the email where you can email me what you think about it Have a Fun and Safe Easter.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Harry Potter coming to end!

In a couple of mouth the great Harry Potter movie will be over. This is kinda depressing since  the Harry Potter movie have been coming out every year for so long. It going to feel weird with  out a new one next year. But on the other hand it shows that they are dedicated to making good movie and not turning Harry Potter into a hung cash cow and make movie that are shit till the fan base is gone.I was kinda made when they made the final movie into a two part. Just for the reason that I thought the movie where going to be to boring and they where just dragging it out for the money. But no the first haft was really good and I can not wait to see the second  haft I hope it is not fail or anything because that would be a shit way for such a good and long lasting movie series to go out on.

The Rite (2011)

Genre:Drama Horror Thriller
Release Status:DVD

The Rite is very inserting movie.An American seminary student named Michael Kovak, Travels to Italy to take an exorcism course.Michael Kovak is a lost soul that dose not really know what he wants to do with his life. The only reason  he went to a seminary school was he felt he had no other choice.Even after he gets to Italy he still is not sure of anything. That is when he sent to see Father Lucas Trevant  get first had exprince.

The Rite has alot of down time that could have been cut out,which is just sad.The plot of the movie is  really inserting because it is based off a true story.The writers and director did a really good job of putting this story on to film.This movie has the same feel has the Exorcism movie do. It is very inserting, but boring at the same time.Their are alot of scene that are there just for fuller.

Some of the scene are just messed up. Like when  he starts to face the demons and other evil things. The acting from Anthonr Hopkins and  Alice Braga  was really good and follow nicely for the whole movie. Where the acting from the star Colin O'Donoghue was not as good. It felt really dry and ran down at times, which just lead to more boring times in the movie.Finaly this movie did not feel like a horror movie at all.

Rating 5.5/10

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Transformers: Dark side of the Moon

Dark side of the Moon is the next movie  the Transformers movie. I do not really no what to think about this movie there is just something about that give me a bad feeling.Maybe it is the fact  the Carly is now going to be played be Rosie Huntington- Whiteley and Fox.I do not know .I that  Carly and Sam well still give off the same chemistry has they have in the past movies. Or maybe  its the fact that this movie is going to be 3D. 3D movie seem to take away from the plot. I hope that is not what happens to the Tranformers movie. On the other hand this movie dose look great it looks like they put alot of  hard work into the movie. Only time well tell.


Genre: Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Release Status:DVD

Inception features a action packed,Sci-Fi, Mystery with the feel  a thriller.This movie well have you trying to figure out what is going on through out the whole movie and the first time you watch it you most likely will not even get it. I could take 2 or more times before you understand every part of the movie. Which is really nice. I even enjoyed watching this movie the second time just because I was still finding new stuff that I missed the first time.

Inception is about  entering the human mind to find and  bring back that person deepest secrets. So it's basically a new away to steal ideas and use before the other person dose.They also can plant ideas, but that is way hared to do.

Inception use the top of  line effects throw out the whole movie. Cast in this movie is all tougher pretty good. Lenardo DiCaprio,Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Ellen Page all do a great job as the star of this movie. But sometimes I noticed  that some of the seven felt a little dry and could have use a little more work out of every one. The director Christopher Nolan was able to bring this movie to life as fantastically has he did because he also wrote the full movie himself.

The plot in inception was just mind blowing.I can only guess on who long it most of took to prefect to the level it is on. The plot well have you think and wondering what is going to happen next from the start to finish of the movie.

Rating 8.5/10

No New movie this week.

There are no new movie this week because well it is easter so have good holiday and check some of my reviews. If you are looking for a cool easter movie for the family why not check out Hop. Hop looks like it go something in it for the whole family.

What Movie will Danny McBride be in this year

Danny McBride will be staring in  30 minutes or less, which is comedy about two fledgling criminals who take a pizza delivery driver and force him to rob a bank all within 30 minutes. This movie could be interesting.

As you know he has already been the movie your Highness which was a great movie.He was also in a short called Fight for your Right Revisited.

Danny McBride is one of the best comedy actors out there today. He built and great career for himself in comedy movie and I think that there is still alot left in him. He is also a talent comedy writer to. He wrote Your Highness and  the tv show Eastbound & Down.

Priest What do you think?

For those who have no clue what the movie Priest is going to be about. Well here you are then. Priest  is going to be movie about a priest  that deiced to not do what the church said to. He goes to track down the vampires who took his niece. This movie well be out  on the 13 of May 2011.

So what do I think of Priest well lets see. I think that it has the protenal to be a really good action packed movie in 3D. But it also could easily go the other way and suck.From the trailer it looks like it going to pack to the top with some cool 3D shit and action. Lets hope it is going to be. The stars of this movie are Paul Bettany, Cam Gigandet and Maggie Q so they do have a fairly good cast for the movie lets just hope that the work well together.

The director Scott Charles Stewart is not a bad director he has out some bad movie out there put on the other hand has put some really good movies out their.I hope that this movie well be one of his good movies.

The whole story line is interesting on it own. I think that it could make a good book too.The whole plot of a priest warrior going rouge to fight for what he believes in. Is not new but the way they have presented it is kinda the whole futuristic  setting.This movie looks goo but that is not saying much. Alot of bad movie looked goo tell you go to see them.I'am going to see this movie.

Arthur (2011)

Genre: Comedy
Release Status:Theaters 

First thing have never seen the 1981 Arthur so I can not say if this Artur dose it any justices.Arthur is  about a drunken child in a mans body, Who almost lose everything if he will not marry Susan the women that his mom want's him too.I found this move to be top heavy.By that I mean most of the comedy was in the first haft of the movie. The jokes and ankh's in the first haft of the movie mad laugh alot. They where well though out and just fantastic. Russell  Brand was the perfected choice to play Arthur.Actually all the actor and actress in this movie fit in and worked well to gather. I can not think of one actor that I would swap out for a different one.The only down side is that Russell Brand has been in so many movie lately that some of you might be getting bored of him.

As I said before this movie is top heavy which is kinda disappointing, I found my self getting bored  during the second haft of the movie. It had you leaving the movie still wanting another burst of jokes or something that just never comes. I do see why they had to have a slower second haft to bring the story together.This movie is going to be on the list of one of the best movie this year but it will not be number 1 or anything.

The writers did a great job. They where able to put new life in the old Arthur and add newer jokes. They just did amazing job. it was actually surprising to see a remake that is this good. Most remakes are the shitest movie you will ever see. But like I said I have never seen the old Arthur so I could be wrong and it could suck compared to the old one. But on it own this movie is worth your money to go see.


Friday, April 15, 2011

Scream 3 (2000)

Genre: horror,Crime,Mystery 
Release Status:DVD

Scream 3 is another good Scream movie.But if I had to pick the worst scream, it would be scream 3. That is not saying that scream 3 is a bad movie or anything it just is not as good as the other scream movies. Scream 3 has ghostface   trying to find Syden.Who has left the  big city behind and has move away from everything, so that she  can coup with everything that has happened over the last few years.Ghostface will not stop at anything till he or she finds Syden.This time the murders start up on the scene of the movie stab 3 which if you watch the other scream you would no the stab movie are the movie in the movie. Which is kinda interesting.

Scream 3 has all the stars from the last movie back again. But in this one they do not seemed to be at the top of their game's. Also the story line is just not as good as the last movie.I think the writers just could not think of anything new. This movie has the feeling that it has been done before.Ghostface again dose toy with his victims before killing them. The part of the movie  that makes you keep watching the movie is  not knowing who  ghostface is or why they are killing again.

Scream 3 is a ok movie. It was not that scary and it did not make me jump at all. But the mystery and crime part  of the movie made it more suspenseful and enjoyable.The big down side to this movie is it had a lot more down time init,which is not bad but this down time was not fulled with story. It was full with fuller. It like they where just using Scream 3 has cash cow and feeding off of the successof the other two Screams. Which sucks because this movie with a little more work could have been just as good or better.

I will end with something a little more up beat the end of Scream 3 is worth watching the whole movie. who they tie all three movie together is great.

Rating 6/10

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Buzz: Scream 4

Scream 4 is must see for this weekend. It is the fourth movie of the scream and looks to keep the legacy of the pasted Scream movie in good light. Scream 4  looks to have a another copy cat killer of ghost face ruining around again.I can not wait to see who they use the charters  that Survived the last movie in this one.One thing I can say about it be for seeing it is that you should watch the other  scream before watching this one just so you can get the most out of it.

Scream 2 (1997)

Genre: horror,Crime,Mystery 
Release Status:DVD

Scream 2 takes place two years after the events of scream 1, There is now a new  psychopath running around as ghost face and has started to  murder all over again.But this time the murder have followed Syden to the college. Where she is going to school. This movie live's up to and surpass the legacy lifted behind  from scream 1.Right off the bat there is a bench of surprise. This  movie  again is filled with twist that well keep you guessing right to the end. The acting in this movie was top line all over again.  All the actor and actress worked really well together. I found that David Arquette and Courteney Cox worked really worked well together. Every scene that they where in together was fantastic. The only actor that I though  could us alot more work was Liev Schreiber.  Any scene that he was in just did not fell right. I can not say he was not trying. I just think he was not right for the role.

The Director Wes Cranven even stepped up his game.  You can see the differences between his work in the first movie  and in this movie it was so much  better.  But the Best part of the movie was the ending because all movie you are setting there trying to figure out how this movie is tied together with the first movie.

The story line in scream 2 is top of the line. The writers paid  alot of attention to ever aspect of the movie.They made sure that everything in the movie would fit together and  work well with each other. The camera work  in this movie was top of the line for it's time. The movie looked fantastic which help you get right into the movie. Overall this movie will that void for great horror/mystery movie. unlike the first movie  this one actually made me jump at times.

Rating: 7.5/10

Scream (1996)

Genre: horror,Crime,Mystery 
Release Status:DVD

Scream is pretty good movie.Scream is about a killer know as ghost face. Start to kill off local teenagers, as the body count start to rising. A girl  and a group of here friends find them self in the middle of all the bad things that where going on.The killer always call his  next victims before killing them.It is away of toying with them.This movie is filled to the top with alot of different twist and surprise.

This movie is good because when you think you have it figured out, next thing you know the movie takes a whole new path making you think something else.This movie well keep you guessing right till the end.This movie is great has a crime/mystery/drama and it is ok has a horror movie.I think if they stop trying to market the movie has a horror movie mainly the movie would be alot better. I say this because a horror movie is supposed to be  scary and make you jump and never felt scared or jump once during the movie.

The acting in this movie is really well done. All the actor's worked well together and feed off of each other. With that level of acting it makes you feel like you are in the movie. Neve Campbell played Sidney the star of the movie, and if I do say so my self  she did a great job.I can really fin anything wrong with the acting, But if I had to pick something that the actors could of improved on it would be,that some of the smaller actors could put more into the movie.Sometimes it seemed like they just did not care at all. 

Overall scream is good movie but could use a like more work.Some of the camera  and lighting in the movie could use some work even for the time of the movie. Also some of the audio just did not seem right to me.

Rating 8/10

This weekend

This weekend I will be going to watch Scream 4 and Aurthur. Which both  look like great movie. I can only hope that Scream 4 well live up to 1,2 and 3 because they where sick movie. I have been told that Aurthur is a really good movie, filled to the top with comedy. I can just hope it is has good as every one says it is.

Anyway here are the trailers for them.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Little Fockers (2010)

Genre: Comedy
Release Status:DVD

Little fockers is the third  of the fockers which started with meet the parents and then  meet the fockers, and now little fockers. This was a bit of a disappointment. It was now where close to being as good as meet the parents or meet the fockers.It fall shorted for me.

Little fockers is about Gray focker  trying  to prove  himself as worthy successor for his father in-law Jack Burns.But fails at for the most part. So Jack Burns try's to set up his daughter  with Kevin Rawley, who is a old family friend that is well off in life. 

This movie was ok but it was not that great. This movie fall shorted on a lot of the jokes. Ben Stiller just did not seem to be at the top of his game.Alot of his jokes and line in the movie just  was not that good. It just seem like he did not have any fire left in this movie. I think that they should left these movie at meet the fockers. 

It seem like they run out of ideas for this movie. The worst part is that they left  the ending open for  another movie. If they make another I hope they do a better job. 

One of the main problems with the movie was the director Paul Weitz just did not pull the move together that well. He should pushed the actors for a little more. This movie felt like a  Drama more then a comedy to me. 

Also The fact that they did care about the little details. Like When Gray cuts himself while cutting the turkey, They do not eve so any signs of him cutting himself in the next scenes. Which to said that they just did not care they are just riding these movie out till they stop making money. Which is not a good thing at all, when this movie  could have been so much better. To bad.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Just Go with It (2011)

Genre Comedy, Romance
Release Status:DVD

This movie is just another one of Adam Sandler comedy which means, that it not bad but it is not the best. This is nothing to get all worked up about or anything.This is again just another  one of Adam Sandler  atpems  at getting his fail comedy career back on track.
Even Jennifer Aniston was not on the top of her acting game for this movie which is really unforuntly  because the story line is a good one.
This movie is about  a plastic surgeon convinces  his assistant to pretend to be his ex wife so he  cover up a lie with a much younger girlfriend,  who he thinks he is in love with. The one liners in this movie are not that good. This movie could have been so much better with a little more work. The really big down side of this movie is that you know whats coming up next. It got that feeling I had seen the movie before I did. 

The movie is not all bad it dose have it funny scene.This movie would be a good movie to take your data to.

Rating 5.6/10


Genre Adventure, ,Action 
Release Status:DVD

Now if you want to see one the shiest movie out their  today then look no further, you have found right here. This movie is about a paintball war zone where  you can go to get a really  war type experience. But when a bunch of  people  are drop into something goes wrong they  start to be hunted down and kill them  off.

The acting in the movie is just bad . The actors in this movie just was not good at all. They  looked  like they where trying to hard. They did not fit well together either . They just were not that good.

The filming in this movie is not that bad it  was the best part of this movie which is not saying that much  for it.

The storyline of this is  shit, who ever thought of  the storyline should of be shoot . The storyline drag on to long. The start of the movie was not bad but after five minutes. I did not want to watch it  any longer.  The ending of this movie was not even that good.

Overall this movie was shit I would not  recommend this movie to anyone. Not even my worst enemy. I would not watch this even if it was the only movie left on this earth.


The Green Hornet ( 2010)

Genre Adventure, Comedy,Action 
Release Status:DVD

Now this movie is a must see. it is so good on every level. For me it brought every thing that love together movies, Action,Comedy and superhero.The Green Hornet was about Britt Reid  who takes over his dad  company after he dies. Britt Reid teams up with his dad's assistant  Kato and they became  masked crime fighters.

This movie made time fly by when it was over I went more. The acting was top of the line .  Seth Rogen  and Jay Chou worked will together. I hop they work together in the future again. The director Michel Gondry  got what the writers had on paper and was able to make it into a top of the line movie.

The story line was great it was packed with a lot of twist and tuners. I really do not have anything more to say about this movie it was just a sick movie and if you have not seen it get out from under that rock and go see it.

Rating 9.7/10

Trailer of the week

Each week I will pick a new movie trailer and post it  as the Trailer of the week. This week it is Thor Trailer this movie look like it could be ok but I am unsure of it.

This Weeks New movie Releases

Well this week is going to be a slow week which is  aspect after all the movie from last week. Their's only one movie for this week and it is a movie I want to see. Scream 4.That movie looks sick. Can not wait to go see it next weekend when it's out.

Scream 4 
Opens 04/15/11

Your Highness (2011)

Genre Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy 
Release Status:

First thing  every reviewer who says this movie is shit they have no idea what they're saying. Your Highness is close to the perfect mix of action and Comedy. If you are fans of movie like Pineapple Express and  Land of the lost. You will love Your Highness. Your Highness well have you laughing from start to finish. It is pack to the top with great on-liners. The down side to this is that the comedy emo style in this movie is  childish with all the pot and sex jokes. But if you like that type of comedy then you will love this movie, like me.

 Your Highness is about two borthers, who our princes. The older bother Fabiou's (James Franco) is the brave knight and is going to be the next king. Fabiou's bride gets kidnapped by the evil warlock. Which  set him and  Thadeuos (Danny Mcbride) his younger lazier bother out on a quest to save her and the kingdom. The quest will take them across the world and they will run into a Knight named Isabel (Natalie Portman) who will help them on their quested.

The cast in this movie is top of the line. Danny Mcbride and James Franco and Natalie Portman work really well together and give great performance. I hope that they all well work together on another movie in the future.Director David Gordon Green did a great job of bring this movie together and making it feel right.

The story line in this was not really new but the way it was presented it was. They never really use old English in this movie. They used alot of modern day English, which I think help this movie out alot in way but in another way I would like to see some more old English jokes ect....  

All together this movie was good. The thing that really made my go wow was the effect that they where able to use just because this was a low budget movie. I mean the effect where close to top notch for this movie. 

I would recommend this movie to any that into movie like it. It great movie if you like it type. It is just what you think it's going to be. Nothing more nothing less. If you do not like these types of movie then you are going to hated it and I would say do not go see it then.

Rating 8.9/10

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Patriot (2000)

Genre:Action, Drama, War
Release Status:  DVD

A peaceful farmer Benjamin Martin is pushed to lead a colonial militia during the American Revolution  when a evil British Officer kills his son and set his barn on fire. This movie is great movie it show how if a people are push to far they will push back and fight for what they believe in.Benjamin Martin was against at  the Revolution at first, but after seeing what the British where doing to his people and  chose to fight back. The part I really like is the different tactic they  us to beat the British. Benjamin knew that there was no way that they could win if they fought the British on the battle field so he started to lead graill attacks  on the.Ambushing them at ever corner.

Mel Gibson Plays the role of Benjamin Martin with out any trouble. He acting was top of the line. All the other acting was on the same level.The only bad thing is sometime the acting is a little off.

The writers did a great job of telling the story of the American Revolution in the movie the patriot. Director Roland Emmerich  brought the writers work  off the papers and  to life on film.This movie will keep your attention  for the whole the movie.This Move is packed full of action and drama.

This movie not all up's their are also some downs. Some time the movie seems a little long. I think that this movie would be perfact  if  they cut it down by a little bit.

If you have not seen this movie yet where have you been. This movie is great way to spend a Sunday  afternoon.

Rating: 9.8/10

Looking Forward

I am  looking forward for to  the release of the movie the Green Lantern. With Ryan Reynolds playing the Green Lantern himself I can not wait to see what this movie well be like. I have always like the Green Lantern comics I can just hope that this movie will do them justice. Hopefully this movie will be like one the Batman or spider man's movie and not turn out like all the Super man's movie did. The Writers did have alot to work with. So let just hope that they did a good job. The trailer for this movie show lots of promise, let's just hope that they are not showing all the good parts already, Like so many other movie have.

Reviewing Tv

Hey Readers I will also be starting to reviews Tv shows in the  very new future. I'm not sure how they are going to go yet. If I'm going to review the season or the episodes of different show I'm not sure yet. But any Way look forward to that.

The Buzz: HangOver Part 2

Hangover Part 2 has a lot to live up to. Phil, Stu, and Alan travel to Bangkok for Stu's wedding only to find themselves in another blackout misadventure. This Movie is either going to be really good or it is going to suck. I hope it's going to be good, but I have a feeling  that it's not going to be that good. I think that Hangover 2  it just going to seem like it's been done before. But I not wait to see what they came up with for this movie and what kinda shit they are going to get them self into

Hall Pass 2011

Release Status:  DVD

This movie is  just another one of those ok  romantic comedy's . It's about  two married man that are given a week off form their wife. To do what they want with no recuperation from it. With two stars like  Owen Wilson and Jason Sudeikis, who have stared in movie such as  Wedding Crashers and  What Happens in Vegas. I was aspecting allot more from this movie but unfortunately it did not delivery for me.

Hall Pass  went wrong when they start to focus  more one the romantic part then the comedy part of the movie.Which is surprising with  Bobby and Peter Farrelly  who where the Directors for Hall Pass and other  Good comedy's such as Dumb and Dumber and Me, Myself and Irene. I would've  though with those two this movie would have been pack too the top with comedy.

Hall pass was not all downs when it had it's ups too it. Like the scenes  where focus on the comedy it was really good. Even when they focus on the the romantic scene it was not bad. The story line just need some more work.  Also some of the scenes need a little more work. They where kinda of boring.

I would say this movie is not a must see but it good to wasted some time and its not  a bad movie for you and your Girlfriend to watch.

Rating: 6.5/10