Monday, April 18, 2011

Harry Potter coming to end!

In a couple of mouth the great Harry Potter movie will be over. This is kinda depressing since  the Harry Potter movie have been coming out every year for so long. It going to feel weird with  out a new one next year. But on the other hand it shows that they are dedicated to making good movie and not turning Harry Potter into a hung cash cow and make movie that are shit till the fan base is gone.I was kinda made when they made the final movie into a two part. Just for the reason that I thought the movie where going to be to boring and they where just dragging it out for the money. But no the first haft was really good and I can not wait to see the second  haft I hope it is not fail or anything because that would be a shit way for such a good and long lasting movie series to go out on.

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