Monday, April 11, 2011

Little Fockers (2010)

Genre: Comedy
Release Status:DVD

Little fockers is the third  of the fockers which started with meet the parents and then  meet the fockers, and now little fockers. This was a bit of a disappointment. It was now where close to being as good as meet the parents or meet the fockers.It fall shorted for me.

Little fockers is about Gray focker  trying  to prove  himself as worthy successor for his father in-law Jack Burns.But fails at for the most part. So Jack Burns try's to set up his daughter  with Kevin Rawley, who is a old family friend that is well off in life. 

This movie was ok but it was not that great. This movie fall shorted on a lot of the jokes. Ben Stiller just did not seem to be at the top of his game.Alot of his jokes and line in the movie just  was not that good. It just seem like he did not have any fire left in this movie. I think that they should left these movie at meet the fockers. 

It seem like they run out of ideas for this movie. The worst part is that they left  the ending open for  another movie. If they make another I hope they do a better job. 

One of the main problems with the movie was the director Paul Weitz just did not pull the move together that well. He should pushed the actors for a little more. This movie felt like a  Drama more then a comedy to me. 

Also The fact that they did care about the little details. Like When Gray cuts himself while cutting the turkey, They do not eve so any signs of him cutting himself in the next scenes. Which to said that they just did not care they are just riding these movie out till they stop making money. Which is not a good thing at all, when this movie  could have been so much better. To bad.


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