Sunday, April 10, 2011


Genre Adventure, ,Action 
Release Status:DVD

Now if you want to see one the shiest movie out their  today then look no further, you have found right here. This movie is about a paintball war zone where  you can go to get a really  war type experience. But when a bunch of  people  are drop into something goes wrong they  start to be hunted down and kill them  off.

The acting in the movie is just bad . The actors in this movie just was not good at all. They  looked  like they where trying to hard. They did not fit well together either . They just were not that good.

The filming in this movie is not that bad it  was the best part of this movie which is not saying that much  for it.

The storyline of this is  shit, who ever thought of  the storyline should of be shoot . The storyline drag on to long. The start of the movie was not bad but after five minutes. I did not want to watch it  any longer.  The ending of this movie was not even that good.

Overall this movie was shit I would not  recommend this movie to anyone. Not even my worst enemy. I would not watch this even if it was the only movie left on this earth.


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