Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Graduation 2007

Release Status: DVD

This movie was know where close to being one the best movie I have ever saw . But on the other hand it was not one of the worsted  movies. Graduation is about four friends that are graduating. One of the friends mom take sick and he dose not have the money to pay to get her help. So being all really good friends they decide to help. It just tuners out that one of his friends dads own the bank. So they decide to pull a small quick bank robbery. That goes all wrong.

The acting in this movie was not the bested. They seem to over acted at some parts and then under act the next scene. They also do not seem to feted  well together. The biggest low point in the acting is the romanced  scene they just  are not that good at all. It seem like they where trying to hard.

The  overall appearance of the movie  the movie is now where top of the line for it’s time. The movie looks dark at times and  is not that clean or sharp. I think that this movie was low budgeted  because if it was not  low budgeted then they did not spend  the money well. 

The  over all story in this movie is good, but the  storyline  seem to be compressed down . I think if they made the movie a little bitted longer  the movie would been way better. Some of the scene just did not fitted in. Another down point is that you could always tell what was coming up next right tell the end of the movie. They also left some things open which made no sense at all. For insistence  at the end of the movie  you get the feeling that the dad that owns the bank knows what happened but they just never do anything with it which I do not know it just bugged. 

Overall this movie had more downs then ups but it was not that bad to watch. It wasted a hr and a bitted of  my free time. So if you have a free hr  this a good movie to watch, if there’s nothing else.

Rating: 6.5/10

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