Monday, April 4, 2011


Genre:  Action,Adventure,Crime, Thriller 
Release Status: DVD

S.W.A.T is a ok movie.It's about a drug kingpin that gets imprisoned and offer a huge cash reward to anyone that can get him our. The only team that can stop him is the LAPD'S Special Weapons and tactics team.

The movie story line  is ok but it feels like it is been over used before. Which hurts this movie. You well always seem to know what going to happen next because of this.But because the movie is so action pack you will not care at all. It feels like ever scene in this  movie is full with action. 

The Acting in this movie is normal nothing more, nothing less.The acting has alot of up and downs most of the main cast play the roles well where the  secondary cast could of pulled up there socks and done a better job.

The filming in this move could have been better. There where times in this movie  where you find your self think  why did they use that shoot there. The angle of shoot could have been better. Then there the lighting which was good, but there where time where the lighting could of been better. The Effect in the movie where good that all I got to say about that. 

This movie is a good movie for those action film lovers. It good movie to add to your movies and to watch ever once in while. 

Rating 7.3/10 

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